Sitecore released 60-days trial developer license!

Finally, Sitecore made an excellent marketing move to make the developers’ life easier – thanks to the Developer Trial Program from now on it is possible to get a free trial developer license for 60 days to work on it at home. Well done, Sitecore team! We have been waiting for this for so long!

So far the access to Sitecore software was very restricted. Because Sitecore to run requires a valid license file and the developers are not allowed to use their client licenses, it was really tricky to be able to experiment with Sitecore instance at home. To make it even harder the Sitecore installation files are accessible only for certified developers on the developer portal. Not anymore! From now on it is possible to have your Sitecore up and running for 60 days on your personal laptop, does not matter if you are a complete beginner that just want to start working on Sitecore, contractor, regular developer or even Sitecore MVP.

You can get your free license from here. Enjoy!

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